The Bissig Lab is always looking for good people! We may not always be actively looking for a specific position, so if you think you would be a good fit for our lab, feel free to send us your Resume or CV!

Lab Manager/Technician
We are looking to fill our lab manager position with a highly motivated individual. This position has administrative but also hands-on tasks. After a few months, we would want that person to fill the lab manager position and proactively create the perfect environment for our team. It’s an exciting job but requires a high degree of independence.
Bachelor's Degree or higher in a related science field.
Strong work ethic and ability to both work independently as well with others on projects.

Undergraduate Researcher
We are looking for undergraduates who are interested in gaining research experience and hours. This project explores a universally applicable approach irrespectively of the disease-causing mutation or even the disorder. We will use CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing and have established in our lab a design and production pipeline for this technology. Some of the techniques involved in this process involve construct design, bacterial cloning, PCR, gel electrophoresis, tissue culture, and animal work. Students will work one-on-one or with a small group of lab members, learning elements of metabolism, gene regulation, gene engineering, and how to perform these kinds of techniques. /h6>