Welcome to the Bissig Lab

Our group is interested in diseases of the liver, ranging from viral hepatitis to metabolic liver disorders and liver cancer. The lab specializes in human liver chimeric mice and created the first xenograft model for metabolic liver disease as well as a novel patient derived cancer model. These humanized mouse models will help to advance and improve experimental therapies for liver disease.

Some of our most recent work, published in Science Translational Medicine, identified a new cause for Glutaric Aciduria 1, an inherited metabolic disease common among the Lumbee population and other Native American heritages. See the press release here.

Bissig Lab News

Our newest publication, A humanized mouse model for adeno-associated viral gene therapy, has been published!

March 4, 2024

Our newest publication, Rescue of glutaric aciduria type I in mice by liver-directed therapies, has been published!

April 19, 2023

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